Workshops & Demos
Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary has performed at many festivals and events around Calgary
See a full list of our upcoming Events below.

Batizado 2016
Friday November 20, at 6pm, 728 NE Dekum st. Portland OR. Opening event roda Zumbi Day celebration, formatura graduation ceremony.
Saturday 21, at 1pm, NE Peninsula Park Community Center Portland OR, workshops, rodas, Batizados & trocas of graduations.
9pm Party TDB.
All are invited to participate along with the CTE USA commemoration of the “ZUMBI DAY” this year in particular will be doing a FORMATURA & TROCA of GRADUACOES, of CTE Capoeiragem USA students!
workshops, capoeira, samba dances, maculele, batucada, rodas and party with brazilian food and drinks!
bring your good energy and join us and a some special guests, all will be welcome!
The cost for the event:
Full event no shirt: $ 70.00
Only Friday: $ 50.00.
Only: Saturday : $ 50.00.
The spectator who are not capoeiristas only Friday: $ 10.00
Saturday is free just for no capoeiristas!

Batizado 2016
Friday November 20, at 6pm, 728 NE Dekum st. Portland OR. Opening event roda Zumbi Day celebration, formatura graduation ceremony.
Saturday 21, at 1pm, NE Peninsula Park Community Center Portland OR, workshops, rodas, Batizados & trocas of graduations.
9pm Party TDB.
All are invited to participate along with the CTE USA commemoration of the “ZUMBI DAY” this year in particular will be doing a FORMATURA & TROCA of GRADUACOES, of CTE Capoeiragem USA students!
workshops, capoeira, samba dances, maculele, batucada, rodas and party with brazilian food and drinks!
bring your good energy and join us and a some special guests, all will be welcome!
The cost for the event:
Full event no shirt: $ 70.00
Only Friday: $ 50.00.
Only: Saturday : $ 50.00.
The spectator who are not capoeiristas only Friday: $ 10.00
Saturday is free just for no capoeiristas!