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ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM #4 Online Capoeira Event Dec 11-13, 2020
ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM #3 Online Capoeira Event Aug 21-23, 2020

ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM Online Capoeira Event May 8-10, 2020
zoomzoomzoom online Capoeira event was amazing, everybody left this weekend a better human being. I want to say big thank you for my Mestre Eclilson de Jesus who supported me in this event, thank you to all the students from Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Whistler, Brazil, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, USA, Russia, Israel, India, Mexico and anywhere else that I missed. Your support and dedication helped to raise funds to help the teachers and the community. Big thanks to my dear friends that taught classes this weekend : Mestre Eclilson, Timor Cueca Klinghofer, Jean Roberto Marconi Pezão, Renato Mky (Monkey Capoeiragem), Mussum Cdo, Sereno Capoeira, Quebrado Cbla, Vadim Fofuxo Cdo and all the other teachers who joined the classes this weekend, the event would not be the same without each and everyone of you. Stay tuned for zoomzoomzoom #2😜🎉Thank you Viola Pamela Gincher for the edit, you captured the positive vibes from the event in this video.
Posted by Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary on Monday, May 11, 2020