Mestre Eclilson de Jesus
Born in Recife, Pernambuco (northeastern Brazil) Mestre Eclilson is a highly regarded Master of Capoeira, with 34 years of experience.
In 1990 Mestre Eclilson was invited to Canada and the USA to participate at various festivals demonstrating this unique martial art/dance called Capoeira. That’s when Mestre Eclilson decided to make Vancouver his new home. Since then, his professional career has taken him across the world, teaching this ancient art form and touring with his performance group Aché Brasil.
Mestre Eclilson de Jesus is responsible for bringing Capoeira to Canada. He also sponsored many Capoeiristas from Brazil to travel to Canada and other countries to teach Capoeira, helping Capoeira grow across the globe.
Mestre Eclilson began training Capoeira at the beach when he was only 10 years old after he saw his first roda in the streets. That’s when he fell in love with capoeira. Soon after, he began training with Mestre Tete and after a few years, he began assisting Mestre Tete with teaching.
Mestre Eclilson received his 1st degree Mestre belt in 1995 by Mestre Elisio as Mestre Eclilson had lost contact with Mestre Tete. In 2007, Mestre Eclilson was acknowledged with a 2nd Mestre Belt from Mestre Derli, who is the Padrinho (Godfather figure) of Capoeira Aché Brasil. This honour was given to Mestre Eclilson in recognition of all the years of dedication, teaching, training and promoting the art of Capoeira.
Mestre Eclilson also runs a performance group called Ache Brasil that he travels with all over North America doing cultural shows and concerts. Mestre takes his amazing capoeira skills into the movies as well. For the past two decades he has been a stuntman and an actor in many critically acclaimed films such as A-team, Ninja Turtles and many more. Mestre also runs an annual Brazilian festival and Capoeira Batizado ceremony in Vancouver every labor day weekend where he brings teachers and masters from all over the world to his event.
Mestre Eclilson de Jesus’ philosophy in Capoeira is to bring people together to create a healthy community respecting each other’s cultural backgrounds and the uniqueness of every individual. Mestre is also known for his sinuous agility and spectacular acrobatics, as well as his charisma and positive energy.