(403) 808-6924 | 3811 Edmonton Trail NE, Calgary AB T2E 8J9 info@capoeiraabc.com


Professor Manteiga (Mike Darling) has been practicing Capoeira for over 18 years. After training Kung-Fu for a few years he decided to try something new, that’s when he began his Capoeira journey with grupo Chapeu de Couro in Ottawa, and joining Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary a year later after finishing University. A dedicated advocate of Capoeira Aché Brasil, Manteiga works hard to sustain and grow Capoeira in Calgary by teaching and performing. Manteiga is known for his explosive acrobatics, smooth Capoeira game, incredible timing and knowledge of the Portuguese language. In 2006 Manteiga and his wife Leanna (Gata) went traveling in South America for a year and spent half of the time in Brazil expanding their knowledge in Capoeira and the Brazilian Culture. Outside of Capoeira Manteiga is a professional engineer with an M.Sc and B.Sc in Electrical Engineering. He also loves lifting weights, playing hockey and spending time with his family.

Professor Sua (Vlad Gincher) was born in Simferopol, Crimea, Russia. He started his Capoeira career in 2002 in Eilat, Israel with Grupo Cordão de Ouro under Mestre Nimi. He had the opportunity to train in various places around the world: Israel, Russia, England, Ukraine, USA and Canada. Since his arrival to Calgary, Canada in 2006, Sua has been an integral member of Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary. After the departure of Mestrando Superhomem In 2010 Sua started teaching in Calgary alongside Manteiga. He is a dedicated athlete and talented capoeirista who brings creative movements, enviable tricks and intricate game play to the roda. Vlad is also a certified personal trainer with 4 years of MMA and BJJ experience. Sua volunteers, performs, teaches and helps to grow Capoeira all over Calgary. He believes in a healthy lifestyle, clean diet and personal fitness. “Everyday you should strive to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to improve physically, mentally and spiritually”.