(403) 808-6924 | 3811 Edmonton Trail NE, Calgary AB T2E 8J9 info@capoeiraabc.com

The Belt System of Capoeira Aché Brasil 

As in other martial arts, Capoeira uses a ranking system for recognition of the capoeira students’ knowledge and time trained. The capoeira ranking is presented in a form of belt (cordão) based on the colors of the Brazilian flag. Capoeira regional and capoeira contemporânea groups tend to use cords, where as capoeira angola groups do not. A student can get their belt only at the so-called Capoeira Ceremony – the batizado (baptism) where each student that has earned their belt by hard training and commitment throughout the year will play a teacher and demonstrate their knowledge and skill in Capoeira before receiving their new belt.

The belt systems in Capoeira are unlike other Martial Arts. The belt system varies from group to group, it may have different order, color, or material that the belt is made out of, but most groups have the same titles for the teachers belts (Monitor, Instrutor, Professor, Mestrando, Mestre).

Below you can see the official belt system for our group: