(403) 808-6924 | 3811 Edmonton Trail NE, Calgary AB T2E 8J9 info@capoeiraabc.com

Batizado 2018

Salve Capoeiristas!

Registration page:

Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary is excited to invite everybody to our Capoeira Batizado 2019 event this August Long Weekend. This 4 day event will be dedicated to expanding our knowledge in Capoeira with various workshops from amazing Capoeira teachers, celebrating the Brazilian culture with energy filled Rodas, Dance and Music classes, parties and of course, the belt graduation ceremony for the Ache Brasil Calgary students in the world of Capoeira.

Guests attending the event:

Mestre Eclilson de Jesus – Ache Brasil Vancouver 
Mestre Neguinho – CDO North Carolina
Mestrando Superhomem – Ache Brasil Vancouver
Contra Mestre Reni – ACMB Edmonton
Prof. Budoy – CDO Montreal 
Prof. Camara – Ache Brasil Vancouver
Prof. Barravento – Ache Brasil Vancouver
Inst. Gigante – Collective Calgary
Inst. Chino – Collective Calgary
Monitor Paraiba – Collective Calgary
Monitor Sorriso – Capoeira Calgary
Monitor Tarraxa – Capoeira Mandinga Edmonton
Graduado Guerreiro – Ache Brasil Vancouver
Graduada Accucar – Ache Brasil Vancouver
Graduado Martelo – Ache Brasil Vancouver

Batizado 2019 schedule:

Friday Aug 2nd 

6:30pm-8:30pm – Two Level 1 workshops at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Auxiliary Gym.
6:30pm-8:30pm Two Level 2 workshops at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Dance Studio. 
8:45pm Weekend Opening Roda at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Dance Studio.

Saturday Aug 3rd

11am Bus pickup at Crowfoot Lows / Old Rona parking lot (90 Crowfoot Way NW, Calgary)
12:30pm-4:15pm Three Level 1 & 2 workshops and Music at the Ignite Dance Studios – #3 Industrial Place Canmore, Alberta T1W 1Y1.
4:15pm-5pm Food break (Lunch included)
5pm-5:20pm Bus ride to Street Roda location 
5:30pm- 6:30pm Street Roda 
6:45pm-8pm Short hike to explore Grassi Lake (Canmore)
8pm-9pm Bus ride back to the Lowe’s Parking lot in Crowfoot, Calgary
9pm Dinner in Crowfoot

Sunday Aug 4th

10am-11:15am Afro-Brazilian Dance and Brazilian Percussion workshops at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Aux Gym.
11am-12pm Kids workshops at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Dance Studio.
12pm-4pm Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary Batizado e Troca de Cordas ceremony and Rodas at the University of Calgary Kinesiology building in the Gold Gym.
6:30pm Capoeira Dinner Party with Live Music – Espresso Cafe 263 10 St NW, Calgary. 

Monday Aug 5th 

10:00am-12:30pm All levels workshops & Music @ Aché Brasil Calgary Academy (3811 Edmonton Trail NE Calgary T2E 8J9) 
1pm-4:30pm BBQ (Baqueta’s house)


Full weekend $230/Out of Town $215/ Teens $170/ Kids (Sunday only) $70

The price includes access to all the classes and rodas, parties and hangouts, bus ride to the mountains and lunch, Batizado 2019 ceremony and an event shirt.

Kids pricing:
Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary is excited to invite everybody to our Capoeira Batizado 2019 event this August Long Weekend. This amazing event will be dedicated to expanding the kid’s knowledge in Capoeira, have tones of fun, it will also give them an opportunity to see the teachers doing high level Capoeira and demonstrate to the parents and the kids what a Capoeira practitioners will be able to do after some years of training and dedication to the art. The kids will get their first belt or upgrade their belt to the next level in the world of Capoeira.
The batizado event occurs once per year and participation is greatly encouraged.
A full uniform is a must in order to participate in the Batizado ceremony event.

Kids ages 4-9 Pricing: $70
The kids pricing includes Sunday Aug 4th a one hour workshop with a guest teacher(11am-12pm), the batizado ceremony (12pm-2) and an event tshirt.
If you came last year you know we like to do a unique experience, Capoeira Aché Brasil Calgary style.

Accommodation/ Billets:

We will try our best to find our guests a spare sofa or room to stay over the weekend, but billets cannot be guaranteed.

Registering for the event as soon as the signup link goes live will increase your chances to find accommodations.

Alternative options are local AirBNBs and motels nearing a train station.

To follow for more details and news about the event visit the Facebook page event


Last years trailer:

A Capoeira batizado is an annual graduation ceremony celebrating the progress that students have made over the past year. Guest Mestres and teachers are invited to teach workshops which allows an extraordinary exchange of information while allowing students to come in contact with the many cultural aspects of capoeira. Batizado is a chance for students to progress to a higher graduation, or receive their first cord. When a student is first baptized in capoeira he or she receives a nickname or apelido, chosen by the Mestres and teachers involved. Capoeira Ache Brasil batizados take place over a weekend where workshops are taught on Friday and Saturday and the final batizado ceremony is held on Sunday afternoon. Family and friends may attend the show and ceremony on Sunday which is open to the public. Batizado is a very important event for capoeiristas and everyone should do their very best to attend!

More details coming soon!